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March 20, 2007

The City of Sherman convened as a board of equalization on March 20, 2007, 6:30 p.m., at the Sherman Town Hall . 

      Board members present were:  Robin Berg, Sandee Sutton and Gerry Karpen.

      Chairman Berg called the meeting to order. 

Objections to real property assessment:

      ID 024154

      Legal description:  Lots 11 to 14, Block 3, Sherman Original Subdivision ( 265 Zeliff Ave ) 

      Owner:  Neil T. and Colleen K. Winterton

Motion by Karpen, second by Berg, to change the assessor’s value from $67,584 to $53,163.  Motion carried for the following reason:  2007 assessed value is a 39% increase over 2006 and is excessive.  Changed to a 10% increase.

      ID 024182

      Legal description:  Lots 13 & S½ Lot 14, Block 8, Sherman Original Subdivision ( 45 Packard Ave )

      Owner:  Dean M. and Jean E. Wilson

Motion by Karpen, second by Berg, to change the assessor’s value from $21,396 to $15,500.  Motion carried for the following reason:  Assessed value is higher than comparable properties.

      Motion by Karpen, second by Sutton, to accept the 2007 property assessment role as equalized. 

      Motion by Karpen, second by Sutton, to adjourn as a board of equalization.

Date:  March 20, 2007

Attest:  Ann Thiel, Town Clerk


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