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July 3, 2007

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Robin Berg presiding.  

      Members present:  Robin Berg, Sandee Sutton, Gerry Karpen, Cheryl Swenson and Ann Thiel.

      Others present:  Ellen Karpen.


The Agenda was approved.

Minutes of the June 5, 2007, meeting were approved as read. 

The treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Minnehaha Community Water Corp, water, $24.25; Argus Leader Media, June meeting minutes, $40.67; Xcel Energy, electricity, $226.61; Sanders Printing, 100 vouchers, $199.50; Virgil Inglett, 4 times mowing, $120; Brian Berg, 4 times mowing, $100.00; Neil Winterton, 4 times mowing, $80.00; Bill Benson, 9 hours general labor, $81.00; Ann Thiel, registered letter, 1 year domain registration, downspout & supplies, $66.41. 


1.       The Postmaster in Garretson advised that the address for the City of Sherman is 160 Zeliff Ave.  

2.       Neil Winterton’s father-in-law will construct an outdoor display board for $100.00.

3.       Berg will set a date to set up the playground equipment.  Volunteers are needed.

4.       Board members reviewed the estimates provided by Rodney Lowe for road repair and replacement of culverts.  Summer and Packard Avenues tabled to next meeting.  Motion by Karpen, second by Sutton, to submit a grant application to the SD Department of Transportation Community Access Program for repair of Zeliff Ave.  

5.       Information and pricing from Lyle Signs was reviewed.  Thiel will order Sherman signs for the east and southeast entrances, and three “Zoned, Building Permits Required” signs.  Purchase of additional signs tabled to next meeting.

6.       The new Sherman web site is “”.  Thiel is in the process of transferring files to the host, Alliance Communications. 

7.       Board members reviewed the Waiver of Liability for the Gathering.  Sutton will fax a copy to Dean Hammer, city attorney, for review.

8.       Board members will meet on July 10 for a final review of the ordinances.


      9.   Thiel provided a report of revenue and expenditures for July 2006 through June 2007.

Motion by Karpen to adjourn, second by Sutton.

The next regular meeting will be August 7, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.       


                                    Ann Thiel

Town Clerk


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