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January, 2010


 Notice of Vacancy


Municipality of Sherman


            The following offices will become vacant due to the expiration

of the present term of office of the elective officer:


            One three_year term on the Sherman Town Board


            Circulation of nominating petitions may begin on January 22,

2010, and petitions may be filed at the home of the town clerk located at

270 Zeliff  Ave. Dead lines for filing nominating petitions is February 26,

2010 5 pm Petitions may be obtained from the town clerk by calling 594_3714.


            Cheryl Swenson


            Acting Town Clerk




January 5, 2010


      The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday Jan 5, 2010,

7:30pm at the Sherman town hall with President Gerry Karpen presiding.


      Members present: Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Robin Berg, and Cheryl


      Others present: Neil Winterton


      Routine Business:


The agenda was read and approved, motion by Berg,

2nd by Benson.

      Minutes of the Dec 1, 2009 meeting were read and approved, motion by

Berg, 2nd by Benson.

      The Treasurers report was read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by



      Claims approved to be paid:

Xcel Energy 231.89 lites, Anderson

Publications 22.01 liquor license notice 62.04 Nov min, Argus Leader 27.04

Dec min, SDML 54.28 2010 dues, Minnehaha Community Water 25.00   Dec water,

SECOG 182.00 2010 dues, Brian Berg 45.00 5hrs snow removal, Neil Winterton

53.86 oil, lube and fuel filter


      Old Business:


      1. town clerk-might have a person


      Open floor to old business: none


      New Business:


      1. Anderson Publication-legal paper ( Humboldt and Shoppers Guide)

      2. Dean Hammer- Town Attorney

      3. Treasurer-Cheryl Swenson

      4. acting Town Clerk-Cheryl Swenson

      5. Salaries-Berg motioned to leave salary the same as in 2009.

Trustees 25.00   a meeting, clerk 250.00 yr, Treasurer 250.00 yr and Larry

Sutton 200.00 yr.


      Open floor to new business: none


      Motion to adjourn by Berg, 2nd by Benson. Next meeting Feb 2, 2010 at



      Cheryl Swenson