September 2, 2014


The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with Lee Ellis presiding.

Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg

Others present: Toby Brown, Ellen Karpen, Kara Duncan, John Eslinger and Brian Berg

Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson


ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the August 5, 2014, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.

The treasurer’s report was approved as read,. Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.


CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $253.04; park light $17.91; town hall light $30.44; Minnehaha Community Water, August water $25.00; True North Steel, clamp $23.94; Bill Benson, pipe and coupler $25.00; L.G. Everest, 10 loads of crushed quartzite $1,067.50; SDPAA , insurance $2,542.39; Bill Benson, 3x mowing $120.00; Luke Bonte, 1x mowing $30.00; Joel Swenson, 5x mowing $175.00; Robin Berg, 3x mowing $90.00;

OLD BUSINESS: Toby Brown/ Zoning; there was more discussion on items in the new ordinance: 11.16 Inspection on Structure Moved into City, 2014 Official Zoning Map for the Town of Sherman.

Second Reading, of the Sherman Zoning Regulations Ordinance# 2014-2

Karpen made a motion with 2 Amendments, on 11.16 Inspection on Structure Moved into City and 2014 Official Zoning Map for the Town of Sherman. Zoning Regulations Ordinance# 2014-2; with a vote of 2 ayes, no nays. Benson abstained.

Second Reading, Town of Sherman 2015 Appropriation Ordinance #2014-1 Karpen made a motion with a Amendment, Fire and General Government; with a vote of 3 ayes.

Safety Benefits /Tabled

Sherman Annual Calendar: (January 04, 2011 Sherman minutes, Discussed advertising cost for rezoning, rental of table and chairs, and fire hall.  Rezoning applications cost $50.00, ten dollars for application and twenty dollars for each add.  Table and chairs can be rented for $10 and the fire hall can be rented for $20; motion by Berg, second by Benson). Toby Brown Amend, at the next meeting.


Tree in alley, 2nd Street, Ellis specified Rick from State Line Seed would remove the tree, at no cost to the City of Sherman. Motion by Ellis; Rick from State Line Seed could remove the tree, with a signed ‘Hold Harmless, for the City of Sherman, Second by; Benson

Motion by Ellis; for 5 loads of crushed quartzite on Packard Ave. Second by; Benson


Motion by; to adjourn, Karpen second by Benson, The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Robin Berg Town Clerk