January 6, 2015

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday Jan 6,2015 at 7:30 at the Sherman Town Hall.


        Members present: Lee Ellis,Gerry Karpen,Bill Benson and Cheryl Swenson.


        Others present: Toby Brown


  Approval of the Agenda: motion by Karpen, 2nd by Benson.


 Routine Business: Minutes of the Dec 2nd, 2014 were approved as read.Motion by Karpen, 2nd by


the Treasurers report was approved as read, motion by Karpen, 2nd by Benson.


Claims Approved to be Paid:Eldon Semmen- rock hauling $880.00, Xcel Energy- street lites $261.28, park lites $18.36, town hall lites $50.75, Brandon Ace Hardware -floor dry $38.97, power cord $14.99, dawn dishsoap $1.99, keys $19.90, John's Repair- fix snowplow $5,558.90, Palisades Propane- propane $278.39, Bill Benson- fix Christmas lite $10.00, Minnehaha Community Water- water $30.00, Anderson Publications-resolution

2014-3 $37.41, resolution 2014-4 $17.21, Nov minutes $16.99.



Old Business:

1. Toby Brown brought in the final zoning draft.

2. Discussion on park slide.


New Business:

1. Set salaries-trusties $25.00, board president $30.00, treasurer $500.00, clerk $500.00 and zoning admin.


2. Appointed town clerk-Robin Berg, town treasurer- Cheryl Swenson, paper- Garretson Gazette,

    city attorney - Dean Hammer.

3.Board vacancy-anyone who would like to be on the town board need to pick up their petitions after the 4th Friday in Jan.

    and needs to be turned back in by the last Friday of Feb. Needs 10 minimum signatures on it.

4. Town hall has the new locks on.

5. Snowplow has a hydraulic leak-Ellis will called John's Repair.


Motion to Adjorn by Karpen, 2nd by Benson, the next regular meeting will be Tuesday Feb. 3, 2015 at 7:30pm.


                                                                                                                                     Cheryl Swenson