
Local Board of Equalization Meeting

The Town of Sherman South Dakota convened as a Board of Equalization on March 20, 2018. Board member present were: Lee Ellis, Bill Benson and Gerry Karpen.  Kari Flanagan represented the Garretson School Broad. Gerry Karpen called the meeting to order.

Actions taken by the board of the following equalization matter shown below:

ID 24176

Legal description: Block 7 Lots 7 Sherman South Dakota, 110 Zeliff Ave

Owner: Town of Sherman

A motion was made by: Ellis to change 7,000 to 2,000 second by: Benson.

Berg motion for a vote: four yes: motion carried: Building was demolition, now a vacant lot.

ID 24160

Legal description: Block 5 Lots 8, 9 and 10 Sherman South Dakota, 125 Packard Ave.

Owner: SandraLee V. Sutton

A motion was made by: Ellis to change 52,174 to 48,000 second by: Karpen.

Berg motion for a vote: four yes: motion carried: Termite damage.

ID 24177

Legal description: Block 7 Lots 8, 9 and 10 Sherman South Dakota, 125 Summer Ave.

Owner: Brian and Robin Berg (Robin Ramsey)

A motion was made by: Ellis no value change second by: Benson.

Berg motion for a vote: four yes: motion carried: No City or Residential improvement made. To justify a 10K increase in value.

ID 24181

Legal description: Block 8 Lots 11 and 12 Sherman South Dakota, 125 Summer Ave.

Owner: Brian Berg

A motion was made by: Ellis to change 67,026 to 63,500 second by: Karpen.

Berg motion for a vote: four yes: motion carried: No Town or Residential improvement

 that would justify a SK increase in building value.

Motion by Ellis; second by Karpen to adjourn as a Board of Equalization.3/20/2018 Town Clerk; Robin Berg