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December 1, 2009

    The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday Dec 1, 2009, 7:30pm at the town hall

     with President Gerry Karpen presiding.

     Members present: Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Robin Berg, and Cheryl Swenson

     Others Present: Neil Winterton


   Routine Business:

     The agenda was read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson.

      Minutes of the Nov 3, 2009 meeting were read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson.

      The Treasurers report was read and approved, motion by Berg,2nd by Benson.


      Claims approved to be paid:

      Argus Leader $109.18 for 2010 appropriations; $25.34 Nov minutes; $12.32 special hearing,

      Xcel Energy $223.04 lights, Anderson Publications $63.10 Oct. min,

      Jesse James $93.04 for 35.2 gal gas,  Minnehaha Community Water $25.00 Nov water,

      Bill Benson $175.00 salary, Robin Berg $175.00 salary, Gerry Karpen $150.00 salary, Larry Sutton $100.00 salary,

      Cheryl Swenson $250.00 salary, Postmaster $42.00 stamps, Ann Thiel $34.95 website registration.


      Old Business:


      1. Still looking for clerk

      2. Put up Christmas decorations

      3. Paint town hall sigh next spring

      Open floor to old business: none


      New Business:


      1. Minutes are now only in the Shoppers Guide

      2. Snow plow ready


      Open floor to new business: none


      Open hearing for the Bullet renewel liquor license. Motion to approve renewal by Berg, 2nd by



      Motion to adjorn by Berg, 2nd by Berg. Next meeting Jan 5, 2010, 7:30pm.


      Cheryl Swenson