The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday Oct. 5, 2010, 7:30pm at the town
hall with President Kara Duncan presiding.
Members Present: Kara Duncan, Robin Berg, Bill Benson, and Cheryl Swenson.
Others Present: Gerry Karpen, Margaret Pritchard, Danessa Keener, Gerri Inglett, Kathy Benson and Neil Winterton.
Routine Business:
The agenda was read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson.
Minutes of the Sept 7, 2010 meeting was read and approved with the correction of the second
reading was Sept 20, 2010, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson.
The Treasurers report was read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson.
Claims approved to be paid:
Jesse James 71.68 35gal of gas, Xcel Energy 236.68 lites, Sunshine Foods 42.40 flowers,
Anderson Publications 409.87 ads, Minnehaha Community Water 25.00 Sept water, Brian Berg
120.00 4x mowing, Virgil Inglett 105.00 3x mowing, Neil Winterton 50.00 2x mowing.
Old Business:
1 2010 approriations was filed on Oct 1, 2010 and in the paper on Aug 29th, 2010 Motion to
approve by Benson-- 3 ayes-- motion passed.
2 New town clerk--Danessa Keener
3 Park update: need sand under merry-go-round, working on sidewalk to get dirt level. Robin
will take care of sod pile on the side of road.
4 Town picnic-- good turn out-- next year it will be the last Sunday in Aug.
Open floor to Old Business:
1 fire extinguishers are up to date
New Business:
1 Animals at large-monitor for now
2 Confirmed budget
3 Fire hall-- floor needs to be painted and move file cabinets together.
4 Roads and snowremovel- check on snow fence. Gerry will figure out a snow route in case
of snow storm.
5 Truck route--need to trim trees, motion to have Tree Guy trim them by Berg, 2nd by Benson.
6 Send flowers to Virgil- Cheryl will order them
7 Adgenda- need a cut off date to get on adgenda-- the friday before the monthly meeting by
5:00 pm
Motion to adjorn by Berg, 2nd by Benson.
Next meeting Tuesday Nov 2, 2010 at 7:30pm.
Cheryl Swenson
Acting Town Clerk