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March 22nd, 2011


The Sherman Board of Equalization met in session Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 7:00 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Kara Duncan presiding.

Members present: Robin Berg, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson, and Danessa Keener.

Jeff Stormet of the Garretson school board had the Equalization Board proceed with the hearing, even through no school board member was present.


President Kara Duncan called the meeting to order.

Actions taken by the board on the following equalization matters are shown below:


ID        24150

Legal description: Lot 14 Block 2, Sherman original subdivision

Owner: Bonte, Luke and Deidra

A motion was made by Berg, second by Benson, to change the assessor’s value from 64,200 to 52,255.

Motion carried for the following reason: 52,255 were what the property was assessed for the year prior and no changes have been made to property.  The 52, 255 were in line with comparable properties.


ID        24177

Legal description: Lots 8, 9, and 10 Block 7, Sherman original subdivision

Owners: Berg, Brian and Ramsey, Robin

A motion was made by Berg, second by Benson, to change the assessor’s value from 71,510 to 54,430.

Motion carried for the following reason: 71,510 were not consistent with neighboring property taxes and assessment.  The 54,430 was in line with comparable properties.


ID        24184

Legal description: Lots 1 through 4 Block 9, Sherman original subdivision.

Owner: Brian Berg

A motion was made by Berg, second by Benson, to change the assessor’s value from 78,650 to 52,000.

Motion carried for the following reason: New assessment jumped 33% but no changes were made to the property.  The 52,000 was in line with comparable properties.


ID        24176

Legal description: Lot 7 Block 7, Sherman original subdivision.

Owners: Cavin and Lydia Kinsey & Michael Pritchard

A motion was made by Berg, second by Benson, to change assessor’s value from 53,794 to 9,000.

Motion was carried for the following reason: New owners just purchased property and there is sever water damage.  Owners were told verbally at the time of purchase that the building was valued at 0.  The 9,000 is in line with comparable properties.


ID        24181

Legal description: Lots 11 & 12 Block 8, Sherman original subdivision

Owner: Brian Berg

A motion was made by Berg, second by Benson to leave the property assessment as it was at 49,740.


Motion by Berg, second by Benson, to accept the 2012 property assessment role as equalized.

Motion by Berg, second by Benson, to adjourn as the Board of Equalization.


Date:   March 22, 2011

Attest: Danessa Keener, Town Clerk 













Danessa Keener

Town Clerk