July 3rd, 2012


The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday July, 3rd, 2012, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Lee Ellis presiding.  


Members present:  Lee Ellis, Kara Duncan, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg


Others present: Larry Sutton and Neil Winterton




Minutes of the June 5, 2012, meeting was approved as read. Motion by; Duncan, second by; Benson.   

 The treasurer’s report was approved as read. Motion by; Duncan, second by; Benson.  



Xcel Energy, street lights $226.30, park lights $17.67 town hall lights $26.64; Anderson Publications May Minutes $20.26; Statement of Receipts $196.02; Statement of Cash Fund $67.32; Minnehaha Community Water, July Water, $30.00, June Water $25.00; Department of Revenue, license fee $150.00;Robin Berg certified mail $5.75; Kallie Swenson 4x mowing $120.00; Neil Winterton 2x mowing $50.00; Lucas Swenson 1x mowing North Park $25.00; Jacob Berg 2x mowing $60.00;



1.     First Responded, tabled.

2.     Post and chains, other suggestions, Berg suggests that we could mark with railroad ties, so it would look more landscaped. Benson will check pricing at Menards and get a hold of Bergs to get railroad ties down.

3.     Tornado Siren, Benson has a call in to the electricians.

4.     Mosquito Control, Duncan called the County, they no longer have funding, suggestions: would be to call other Towns with one to see if we can uses theirs, Sutton suggests that we have one made.

5.     Pre-Disaster update, signed.  

6.     Citywide rummage, date set for August 3 rd, 2012, time 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm at Sherman Fire Hall, for more information please contact Lee Ellis.



1.      Hagen Benefits is up dated.

2.      Revenue and Expenditures, Berg will present budget ordinance draft at the next regular meeting.

3.      Receive survey from SDPAA; has not been received.

4.      Dogs, Chapter 5.02; Animals Ordinance; 5.0201 and 5.0202.

5.      Ellis was absent January 3, 2012 and was paid for seven meetings; Swenson will correct the pay in Decembers 2012, meeting.


Motion by; Duncan to adjourn, second by; Benson.  The next regular meeting will be August 7, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. 


Robin Berg Town Clerk