March 19, 2013


Local Board of Equalization Meeting

The Town of Sherman South Dakota convened as a Board of Equalization on March 19, 2013. Board member present were: Lee Ellis, Bill Benson and Kara Duncan. Lee Ellis called the meeting to order.

Actions taken by the board of the following equalization matter shown below:


ID 24177

Legal description: Block 7 Lots 8, 9 and 10 Sherman South Dakota, 125 Summer Ave.

Owner: Brian and Robin Berg

A motion was made by: Duncan to change 72,294 to 55,000 second by: Benson.

Duncan made a motion for a vote: three ayes: motion carried: assessed value to high to other Sherman properties.


ID 24184

Legal description: Block 9 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sherman South Dakota, 42 Packard Ave.

Owner: Brian Berg

A motion was made by: Duncan to change 81,855 to 47,101 second by: Benson.

Duncan made a motion for a vote: three ayes: motion carried: assessed value far exceeds property value in Sherman.

Motion by Ellis; second by Duncan to adjourn as a Board of Equalization.

3/19/2013 Town Clerk; Robin Berg