July 2, 2013


The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday July 2, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with Lee Ellis presiding.  

Members present:  Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg

Others present: Ellen Karpen


ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the June 4, 2013, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.  

The treasurer’s report was approved as read. Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson. 


CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $251.36; park light $17.81; town hall light $39.62; Minnehaha Community Water, June water $25.00; Anderson Publications, adds $36.00; Joel Swenson 5x mowing $125.00; Lucas Swenson 4x mowing, $120.00; Robin Berg 4x mowing $120.00;  Bill Benson 3x mowing $120.00; Jesse James, 20 gals of gas $73.99; 30 gals of diesel $110.99; Department of Revenue, license fee $150.00; Bolte’s Sunrise Sanitary, 2 dumpersters $556.50; Mark Schrank, painting town hall $80.00; Jay Swatek,  painting town hall $690.00; Dave Mudder, painting town hall $460.00; Jason Bohl, painting town hall $430.00;



1.             125th Celebration, Meeting planned for July 9, at Town Hall at 7:30 pm. All welcome, pot luck picnic, August 25, 2013.

2.             Railroad Ave. and Packard Ave. Working on getting it done.

3.             Mowing of North Park, Karpen will call Swenson’s.

4.             Drain at Bullet should be repaired within the next two weeks.

5.             Snow Plow, Tabled

6.             Alleys, Karpen made a Motion to order gravel for the alley at 1st and Packard Ave. second by Benson.



1.                  Revenue and Expenditures, was presented by Berg for July 2012 to June 2013.

2.                  Bill will look in to a new door for the Town Hall.

3.                  Taking bids for a LaFrance pumper fire truck; the fire truck is a 1970 LaFrance pumper with a 400 gallon water tank. It runs and the tires are up. Please call one of the Sherman Town Board Members to see the LaFrance. Please bring bids to the next meeting. 


Motion by; Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson; The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, August 6, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. Robin Berg Town Clerk