March 5, 2013


The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday March 5, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with Kara Duncan presiding.

Members present: Kara Duncan, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg

Members absent: Lee Ellis

Others present: Gerry and Ellen Karpen.


ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the February 5, 2013, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Duncan, second by; Benson.

The treasurer’s report was approved as read. Motion by; Duncan, second by; Benson.


CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $275.86; park light $19.12; town hall light $38.01; Minnehaha Community Water, February water $25.00; Anderson Publications, notice of vacancy $9.00 Jan. Min. $16.69; Jesse James,17.49 gal of diesel; Schuneman, oil $24.01



  1. Tornado siren is up and working.

  2. 125th Celebration, date to be announced, we are planning a potluck picnic.

  3. Minutes for 2002-2003 Duncan will look for them.

  4. Fire Department funds will go in to a savings.

  5. Stop sign, we do have one and will get it up.

  6. Security Light, is up and done.

  7. Railroad Ave. and Packard Ave. drain tile needs to be finished.

  8. Nominating Petition accepted from Gerry Karpen

  9. Equalization meeting is Tuesday March 19, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. Appeals need to be in March 14, 2013 to Town Clerk.



  1. Mowing Bids, need to be in at the next meeting.


Motion by; Ellis to adjourn, second by Benson; The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Robin Berg Town Clerk