September 6, 2016
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, September 6, 2016
at 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall.
Members present: Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg.
Members absent: Lee Ellis.
Karpen called the meeting to order.
Others present: Sandee Sutton and LeRon Smit
Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.
Minutes of the August 2, 2016 meeting was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $263.45 park light $18.38 town hall lights; $46.81; Minnehaha Community Water, Aug. water $36.50 Garretson Gazette, July min. $22.82, Aug. min $34.98 Bill Benson, 4x mowing $160.00; Clay Bonte, 5x mowing $175.00; Darrin Trower,4x mowing $160.00; Robin Berg, 4x mowing $120.00; Gerry Karpen, stump removal at North park $84.40; Garretson Food Pantry, donation $50.00; Brandon Steak House, gift card for Loren Konda $50.00; Jesse James, 12.3 gal of gas $24.67, 12.3 gals of gas $25.84;
Playground Equipment, 3 dead trees will need to be removed at North Park, plans on ground breaking around April 2017. We a looking for bids from other vendors.
Big THANK YOU to everyone from Sherman and Garretson for all that you have done, kids are going to get a new park and Strom Park will be improved as well. We could not have done it without you.
Annual budget Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson for the Second reading of the Ordinance 2016-1for 2017 annual budget.
Karpen went over the priorities from Risk Mitigation Insurance. And set some target dates to be completed.
Karpen will send in SDPAA form with the budget and SDML renewal.
Motion by; Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson,
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Robin Berg Town Clerk