The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, June 6, 2017.
Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg.
Others present: Linda and Bob Askren.
Berg called the meeting to order.
Benson nominated Ellis for President, second by; Kapen, with a vote of 3 yes, motion carried.
Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.
ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the May 2, 2017 meeting was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $272.56, park light $18.42 town hall lights $34.99; Minnehaha Community Water, June water $30.00; Garretson Gazette, April min. $13.99, May min. $19.16; Play power, playground equipment $27,468.00; Midwest Land Surveying, North Park $493.74; Bolte’s Sunrise Sanitary Services, 2 dumpsters $654.10; Darrin Trower, 4x mowing $160.00; Clay Bonte, 5x mowing $ 175.00;Lee Ellis, 4 meetings $120.00; Gerry Karpen, 5 meetings $ 125.00, zoning salary $100.00; Cheryl Swenson, salary $250.00; Bill Benson, 4x mowing $160.00, 6 meetings $150.00: Robin Berg, 5x mowing $150.00, salary $250.00;
OLD BUSINESS: Collapsing structure; Karpen gave a short update on the situation with the property at Lot 7, Block 7, address 110 Zeliff. Paperwork is being processed.
New Playground set up date is set for June 24th
and 25th.
Power to Strom Park was approved. Motion by; Karpen to pay for the power estimate from JSR Electrical from the Sherman’s Improvement fund, second by; Benson with a vote of 3 yes, motion carried.
Open floor: Ellis add that some of the roads are in need of gravel, Berg asked about alley on 1st and Packard Ave. At this time some of the roads will get gravel and alley will be looked at. Motion by; Karpen to order $1500.00 of gravel for roads second by; Benson with a vote of 3 yes, motion carried.
BUSINESS: Spraying Mosquitoes, Ellis will get a call in to
spray weekly.
North park three trees,
to be removed, were approved.
Motion by; Karpen to
approve Bergs Budget Training second by; Ellis, with a vote of 3 yes motion
Bullet Malt Beverage License, Motion by; Karpen, to approve Malt Beverage License, second by; Benson. With a vote of 3 yes, motion carried.
Motion by; Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson,
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, July 11, 2017 @7:30 p.m.
Robin Berg Town Clerk