Board of Adjustment
Use Permit Hearing
The Sherman Board of Adjustment met on Sunday, the
20th day of May, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. at Sherman Town Hall.
Member present were: Gerry Karpen (Zoning Administrator),
Lee Ellis (BOA) and Darrin Trower (BOA).
Also present, Robin Berg Town Clerk.
A number
of Sherman residents and others were present.
Karpen called the meeting to order.
Karpen handed out a letter for Dottie and Jesika Benson requesting a Conditional Use Permit for Bill Bensons
property at address 130 Summer Ave. Sherman S.D.
The request was to move a 2000 year model
manufactured home into Sherman where current zoning laws restrict the use.
Karpen read through the request and indicated he did
a walk through and had taken pictures.
Karpen opened up the floor and asked for brief
comments on the situation and to keep it short and one at a time.
After the comments of the people Karpen called a
roll called for a vote.
Berg asked for a motion,
Ellis made a motion, to approve the Conditional Use Permit and Seconded by; Trower.
With a vote of 3 ayes
motion carried.
Bensons were told they
could proceed.