January 2, 2018

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, January 2, 2018. 

Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg.

Ellis called the meeting to order.

Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson. 

ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the December 12, 2017 meeting was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.

The treasurer’s report was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.   

CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light, $266.99, park light $70.50, town hall lights $19.25; Minnehaha Community Water, Dec. water $81.75; SECOG, 2018 dues $199.00; Robin Berg, Christmas party supplies $24.17; Lucas Swenson, 4hrs plowing, $48.00; Palisades Propane, 130 gals propan $203.92;

OLD BUSINESS:  Karpen gave the group an update on the upcoming demolition of the structure at Zeliff and 1st St. All paperwork has been completed and the structure can now come down forthwith. With the cold weather, the company charged with bringing the structure down will have to wait until it warms up a bit, which will hopefully be in the next week or so. Claflin Excavating from Flandreau is scheduled to perform the demolition.


Animal control, Tabled.

The Sherman Town Board passed a resolution to thank the following individuals for their hard work in planning and hosting the annual Christmas Party for Kids on December 30th in the Sherman Town Hall. The following individuals assisted in giving the party, Robin Berg, Sandralee Sutton, and Jessica Koch. Our sincere thanks to these ladies who hosted 17 kids on a fun filled Saturday afternoon.


A Thank You to Tom Coburn, Palisades Propane for the pizza donated for the kids.


A 2nd reading of the amended budget ordinance, Karpen made a motion, to approve amended budget ordinance 2017-2 Second by; Benson. With a vote of 3 yes motion carried.

 NEW BUSINESS:  Set salaries for 2018, will stay the same, President will receive $30.00 per meeting, Trustees will receive $25.00 per meeting, Town Clerk and Treasurer $500.00 per year, Zoning Administrator $200.00 per year. Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson for all to stay the same as 2018, with labor at $13.00. With a vote of 3 yes motion carried.

Appointments: Town Clerk, Robin Berg; Treasurer, Cheryl Swenson; Town Paper, The Garretson Gazette; Town Attorney, Dean Hammer. Motion by; Ellis, Second by; Karpen for all to stay the same as 2018, with a vote of 3 yes motion carried.

Town Hall may be rented, the north side only for $20 includes tables and chairs.  Tables and chairs may be rented separately for $10.  Town hall use is free to residents of Sherman S.D. Motion by; Ellis, Second by; Karpen for all to stay the same as 2018, with a vote of 3 yes motion carried.

Building permits $10.00, Rezoning applications cost $50.00 and ten dollars for application, twenty dollars for each add in the Garretson Gazette paper. Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson for all to stay the same as 2018, with a vote of 3 yes motion carried.


Publish Board Vacancy. One three-year term on the Sherman Town Board. Deadline for filing nominating petitions is February 23, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Earliest date to begin petition circulation January 26, 2018 Petitions may be obtained and must be returned to the Town Clerk by calling 605-594-3757 or 605-359-2481 Robin Berg Town Clerk


Motion by; Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson, 

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, February 6, 2018 @7:30 p.m. 

Robin Berg Town Clerk 
