The Sherman Town Board met
in regular session Tuesday, July 3, 2018 @7:30 pm.
Members Present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Darrin Trower and Cheryl Swenson.
Others Present: Bob & Linda Askren, Robin Berg, Sandy Sutton, Brian Madson, Kara Duncan, Kristi Trower, Kevin Swenson and Garrick Moritz.
Ellis called the meeting to order.
Approval of the Agenda: Karpen made a motion to accept the agenda-Trower 2nd-3 ayes
Routine Business:
The June minutes and Treasurers report were handed out to everyone to read. Karpen made a motion to accept the June minutes-2nd by Trower.
Karpen made a motion to accept the Treasurers report-Trower 2nd- 3 ayes.
Claims Approved to be paid: Department of Revenue-alcoholic beverage license $150.00, Xcel Energy- street lites $259.57, park lites $27.74, town hall lites $32.43, Bill Benson- 3x mowing, Robin Berg- 3x mowing $120.00, Darrin Trower- 4x mowing@ Tiger Park $100.00, 4x mowing @ Strom Park $160.00.
Old Business:
Karpen will check with a realtor for the selling of the property at lot 7, block 7 110 Zeliff Ave.
Open Floor to Old Business: A resident asked why the clerk was let go. Ellis replied no comment.
New Business:
Still looking for 3 volunteers for the planning commission for comprehensive zoning. Kevin Swenson volunteered. One resident said a maybe.
Agenda format changes were tabled until next month.
Ellis asked for new mower blades for his mower because he has been mowing the property at lot 7, block 7, 110 Zeliff Ave.
and had been hitting rocks. Karpen made a motion to buy Ellis new blades at the end of the mowing season, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes.
A resident kept interrupting the meeting and was asked 3 times to please be quiet and listen. After the 4th time Ellis asked the resident to leave the meeting.
Resident left.
Karpen is meeting with SDPAA on Friday.
Revenue and Expenditures was tabled until next month.
The Sherman annual picnic is set for Aug 5, 2018 @ 1:00 at Strom park. Town will supply brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, ketchup and mustard.
Motion by Karpen to buy the supplies for picnic-2nd by Trower- 3 ayes.
Motion to adjourn by Karpen, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes. Next regular meeting will be Aug. 7, 2018 @ 7:30 pm,
Acting Town Clerk Cheryl Swenson