Sept 11,
The Sherman
Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018 @ 7:30 pm.
Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Darren Trower and Cheryl Swenson.
Others present: Linda & Ken Askren, LeRon Smit, Bob Julson, Robin Berg, Sandee Sutton, Kristy Trower, and Kara Duncan.
Ellis called the meeting to order.
Routine Business:
Approval of the agenda: motion by Karpen to accept the agenda, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes
Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes.
Treasurers report was read and approved. Motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes.
Claims approved to be paid: Kallie Heinemann $250.00 18 months data entry, Minnehaha Community Water $30.00 water, SDPPA $2,375.13 insurance, Garretson Gazette $27.07 corrected May minutes, $25.86 July minutes, $31.02 Aug minutes, $22.85 notice of property sale x3, VanDyke Sanitation $52.00 garbage, Excel Energy $211.79 street lights, $27.97 park lights, $31.72 town hall lights, Bill Benson $120.00 3x mowing, Darrin Trower $160.00 4x mowing Strom park, $120.00 Tiger park, Robin Berg $90.00 3x mowing.
Old Business:
1. Received 2 bids on vacant lot @110 Zeliff Ave.-- $2,000.00 and $1,133.00. Discussion was held—Karpen made a motion to reject all bids and to still list property for sales with Bob Julson, 2nd by Trower—3 ayes.
2. Planning Commision & Comprehensive Zoning- Karpen will get some dates set up. Some discussion on if Ken Askren can be on committee since he wasn’t a resident. Sutton would call Pierre to see if he could be on or not.
3. 2nd reading of the 2019 budget. Motion by Karpen to accept 2019 budget, 2nd by Trower—3 ayes.
4. Park clean-up is Sept 15@ 9:00 am.
New Business:
1. Tayden’s Ride—Karpen made a motion to donate $100.00 to Tayden’s ride, 2nd by Trower—3 ayes.
2. Review of Town ordinance relating to pet control and yard clean-up—Karpen had residents calling, reporting of a dog running around Strom park and horses running at large. Resident had hoof prints all over their yard. Karpen also had some calls of grass being too long. Karpen read ordinances 3.0101, 5.0202, and 5.0203.
3. Discussed sales and purchases by the town—city park food
Motion to adjorn by Karpen, 2nd by Trower—3 ayes.
Next regular meeting is Oct. 2, 2018 @7:30 pm.