May 7, 2019
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday May 7, 2019 @7:30pm.
Members Present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Darrin Trower, and Cheryl Swenson.
Others Present: Kristi Trower and Trevor Grohs.
Approval of the Agenda: Karpen made a motion to approve the agenda, 2nd by Trower—all ayes.
Routine Business:
Minutes of the April 2, 2019 were read and approved—motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower.
Treasurers Report was read and approved—motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower—all ayes.
Claims approved to be paid: Garretson Gazette $27.68 for March minutes, $7.30 for Board of Equalization, $158.40 for Annual Report, Palisades Propane $254.88 for propane, Xcel Energy $262.25 for street lights, $47.24 for town hall lights, $28.10 for park lights,
Old Business:
1. Planning Commission & Comprehensive Zoning will meet with the public and board to present the plan on May 28th 2019 @ 5:30 pm at Town Hall.
2. Notary- Swenson got all paperwork back and is now a notary.
3. Town Clean-Up—Dumpster will be here on Friday May 10th 2019
New Business:
1. Swore in new Trustees Karpen and Trower
2. Karpen made a motion for Ellis to be President, 2nd by Trower—all ayes
3. Bullet Malt Beverage License Special Hearing will be June 4th, 2019 @ 8:00pm.
4. Team Tayden beanbag tournament—Trevor Grohs asked the Boards permission to use the vacant lot for the beanbag tournament on 6-8-19. They would like to close the road on Zeliff Ave from the shrubs on the North side of the Bullet to the 4-way stop. They will also clean up the area after the tournament. Motion by Karpen to grant permission to use vacant lot and close street, 2nd by Trower—all ayes.
5. Gravel—Motion by Karpen to buy up to 4 loads of rock and 10 loads of gravel for the streets, 2nd by Trower—all ayes
6. Facet for Town Hall-tabled.
7. Cabinet for Town Hall- tabled.
8. Disposal of pumper truck—Swenson will put in paper to start accepting sealed bids
9. Stainless Steel tank for antique fire truck—Motion by Karpen to buy a tank, 2nd by Trower—all ayes.
10. Stone for Tiger Park—Motion by Karpen , 2nd by Trower to check on purchasing a stone for Tiger Park like the one in Strom Park—all ayes.
Motion by Trower to ajourn meeting, 2nd by Karpen—all ayes. Next regular meeting will be Tuesday June 4th, 2019 @ 7:30pm.