Sherman Local Board of Equalization Meeting


The Sherman Board of Equalization convened on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 7:30 pm.  Board members present were:  Lee Ellis, Darrin Trower, and Gerry Karpen.  Lee Ellis called the meeting to order.


Other persons present were: Brian Berg, Robin Berg, Kristi Trower, Ellen Karpen (acting clerk), Linda Askren and Sandralee Sutton.


Actions taken by the Board on the following equalization matters are shown below:


ID 24175

Legal description:  58200 Sherman Original Sublot 6, Block 7, Lots 5 and 6, Sherman, South Dakota 120 Zeliff Ave.


Owner:  Kenneth R & Linda J. Askren


A motion was made by Trower to set the value back from $19,000 to $12,005 and seconded by Karpen. Three ayes, motion carried.


ID 24160

Legal description:  58200 Sherman Original Sublot 10, Block 5, Lots 8, 9, and 10,   Sherman, South Dakota 125 Packard Avenue


Owner:  SandraLee V. Sutton


A motion was made by Ellis to set the value back from $53,300 to $48,000.00 and seconded by Karpen. Three ayes, motion carried.


ID 24181

Legal description:  58200 Sherman Original Sublot Block 8, Lots 11 and 12, Sherman, South Dakota  41 Packard Avenue


Owner:  Brian Berg


No action taken, Berg decided not to proceed because there was no School Board Member present


ID 24184

Legal description:  58200 Sherman Original Sublot, Block 9, Lots 1-4, Sherman, South Dakota  241 1st Street (described by Berg as 42 Packard Avenue)


Owner:  Brian Berg


No action taken, Berg decided not to proceed because there was no School Board Member present


Motion by Karpen and seconded by Trower to adjourn as a Board of Equalization.  Three ayes.

Motion carried.


Ellen Karpen

Acting Clerk