May 5, 2020
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday May 5, 2020 @ 7:30pm.
Members Present: Lee Ellis, Darrin Trower, Gerry Karpen and Cheryl Swenson.
Others Pesent: Bill Benson
Ellis, called the meeting to order.
Routine Business:
Approval of the agenda- motion by Karpen to approval the agenda, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
Minutes of the April 7, 2020 meeting were read—Karpen made a motion to approve the minutes as read, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
The Treasurers report was read—Karpen made a motion to approve the Treasurers report as read, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried
Claims Approved to be paid:
Minnehaha Community Water $30.00 water, Palisades Propane $153.31 propane, Xcel Energy $277.75 street lights, $27.95 park lights, $48.66 town hall lights, Jesse James $26.00 14.4 gals of gas.
Old Business:
1. Mowing bids- Karpen made a motion for Darrin Trower to mow Strom Park @ $40.00 a time, 2nd by Ellis- 2 ayes. Motion carried. Karpen made a motion for Darrin Trower to mow city lot @ $30.00 a time, 2nd by Ellis- 2 ayes, motion carried. Ellis made a motion for Luke Bonte to mow Tiger Park @ $30.00 a time, 2nd Trower- 3ayes, motion carried. Karpen made a motion for Bill Benson to mow waterway and ditch @ $40.00 a time, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes, motion carried.
2. Town clean-up—Due to the covid19 the Landfill is postponing any town clean-up right now. Town will do clean-up at a later date.
3. Building permit- Benson had a few questions on a building permit.
New Business:
1. Swear in new Trustee—Lee Ellis was sworn in as trustee.
2. Appoint Board President- Karpen made a motion to appoint Ellis as Board President, 2nd by Trower—2 ayes, motion carried.
3. Set date for Special Hearing -Bullet Malt Beverage License—Motion by Karpen to set hearing for June 2, 2020 @ 7:45pm, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
4. Town Hall Eaves—Zach Swenson will start on the eaves this weekend.
Karpen made a motion to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
The next regular meeting will be June 2, 2020 @ 7:30pm
Cheryl Swenson Town Clerk